Siobhan Burger presented in front of a group creative minds during the Creative Mornings session on November 25, 2016. She was invited by the Rotterdam Chapter’s organizer Daniel Disselkoen to present on the topic Fantasy. He specifically asked to elaborate on the fantasy required by both creative and companies in the collaboration process.
About Creative Mornings
In 2008, Tina Roth Eisenberg (Swissmiss) started Creative Mornings out of a desire for an ongoing, accessible event for New York’s creative community. The concept was simple: breakfast and a short talk one Friday morning a month. Every event would be free of charge and open to anyone. Today, attendees gather in cities around the world to enjoy fresh coffee, friendly people, and an international array of breakfast foods. Volunteer hosts and their team members organize local chapters that not only celebrate a city’s creative talent, but also promote an open space to connect with like-minded individuals.
Fantasy in collaboration with the arts
Honored and excited Siobhan presented what she and Faye Ellen have established with Arttenders. She informed the audience via an interactive presentation about how Arttenders reconnects two worlds that are actually very complementary and can greatly benefit from working together: the art community and business.
We all know that creatives have a huge amount of fantasy. But if you are communicating with corporate clients they oftentimes do not directly understand a creative train of thought. How can you build a bridge between those two ways of thinking? With using fantasy! Not to create, but to understand the needs of the person on the other side of the table. We seek collaboration opportunities in any type of field. Together with our artists we create stories for our clients and their end users. No matter if this is digital, graphic, in public space, product development and real estate. But the first step is always to understand why a corporate client would consider a collaboration in the first place.
Video registration of Siobhan’s speech is coming soon on the website of Creative Mornings. Also, for those of you who were there: thank you for attending. Comments? Questions? Please contact Siobhan at