Last week, Siobhan Burger moderated Pitcher Perfect 010 for the third time in a row. It was another night filled with inspiring ideas for the city of Rotterdam presented in nineteen pitches. Nine of them went home with a subsidy from Gemeente Rotterdam. It was once again a mind-blowing line-up filled with passion, inspiration and great ideas.
Ranging from Spoken Word initiatives, art in public space, a Rotterdam Nightlife Council to specific theater and music performances, a wide scope of creativity in the city of Rotterdam was once again represented.
Big shoutout to all the pitchers: Yanira Gefferie, Noortje Bosma, Betty Pietersz, Savannah da Rosa, Cheila Delgado, Melany Evora, Thys Boer, Lieske Yntema, Rinaichca Nelstein, Serenity Lont, Niura van Deursen, Farina Filomena, Patrick Ribeiro, Lorenzo Elstak, Frank van Velzen, Ellemieke Schoenmaker, Irwin Ment, Robert Rost, Pris Roos en Alexander Kahlman.
On to the next edition in April 2020!